Monday, September 12, 2011

About the Author: #CapitanSwag

My name is Alex Henderson. I'm 21 years old and I'm a senior at the best college in the world...ASU!!! I'm originallty from Minnesota but like many others I couldn't bare the cold winters any longer and thats why I decided to attend ASU. First off, I want to say deciding to come to ASU was by far the best decision I've ever made in my life. I had extremly high expectations of school before I moved here and I must say that the things I've experienced at ASU are unimmaginable. In my 3 years here I have become a seasoned party veteran while maintaining a 3.0 GPA. (B's get degrees baby!!) Basically I know how to party my ass off and still make it to class, nomatter how hung over I might be. This detication to school and partying has given me a vast knowlege of some ins and outs of ASU and the surrounding area that I wish to share with incomming frehsman, transfers or anybody else who wants to know 'Whats up?'. Most of us will attempt to graduate in 4 years and trust me, you don't want to waste any time going to the wrong parties or events becuase you'll look back and wish you could have that time back. You only live life once so get out there and PARTYYY!!

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