Monday, October 31, 2011

Mill Ave 21st Birthday

It's your 21st birthday and you have one thing to do...GO RAGE AT THE BAR!! Your whole life has been leading up to this moment. Finnally being able to go to the bar and party whenever you want to. You have asembled a core group of friends either from class, greek life, or life in
general and these will be the witnesses to the biggest shit-show of your life. Everybody assembles for your massive pre-game as to welcome you to the ever desired "21+Club". Depending on where you live the lightrail might be the best mode

of transportation to and from mill. This is a pleasnt perk for those party goers who previously delt with the difficulties of trying to hunt down cabs and big orange busses. Insted you are shipped away in a futuristic spaceship (lightrail) to the land of drunken college students. Once on mill you have many options for fun and entertainment. There are many shops and botiques to enjoy. Hippy Jipsy is a good one to visit and it is located in the center of the most poppin area of mill. Cue Club, Robbie Fox's, Zuma, and Suite 301 are popular bars for the everyday party animal. Each spot having its own unique vibe. Fridays, suite 301 has a great atmosphere located 5 stories, ontop of Hooters overlooking Mill Ave. $3 Corona's are a great value.
On saturday nights Robbie Fox's is usually full including the outdoor patio and dancefloor. But once your 21 you don't need to limit your drinking to just the weekend; now I can strongly suggest to you getting a Zuma juice from Zuma on "Toxic Mondays" or a long island at Cue club. Nomatter where you go though, remember to fist-pump your pitchfork has hard as possible and rep ASU!

Advice: On your 21st birthday don't wear white, and don't drink too much at your pregame or you risk a chance of loosing your I.D. before you get to the bar.

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